Sunday, July 14, 2013

Colourful Post Cards

Jot Magazine is a new digital publication from Kim Archer with a fresh new look to papercrafting, Project Life, off the page and more.  This month's colour challenge is pink & yellow that makes me feel all fresh and summery.  Click the link to see what Kim and the creative team have going on.
I am road tripping for the next few weeks and researching my next mail art workshop.  Click this link to My Creative Classroom to check out my current workshops.
Friends have been asking what is happening with my OLW (one little word) project with all that is going on how does one maintain their 'zen'.  When I picked the word it was all about finding a balance between the unexpected events, things that take too long to happen, where we would like to be or what we have to do. 
So far zen has been fun, then I found a post about the zen of chocolate and a yummy new find The Nutty Islander from Cape Cod ~ life is full of discoveries ~ life is good.
À bientôt   


Steffi said...

Very creative postcards! Have fun at your road trips,Mandy! said...

Zen is good Mandy! Have fun with what you are doing!

ANNE said...

So cute! I love 3-d anything and these are adorable!!

kathie said...

Beautiful art Mandy! I am sure your class will be great fun. I do love mail art. ... And I knew that you would appreciate a good rainbow :). Thanks for visiting. xx