Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sunshine & Shadows

click to enlarge
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadows" Helen Keller
Been a big week around here, shadows, floods, wild wind storms and touches of sunshine.  Click the link to Sky Watch Friday to see what bloggers from all over have found in their sky to share with us this week.
I was lucky to be gifted a membership for Ali Edwards OneLittle Word Workshops for 2013. The theme is built around the idea of having one word as your goal for the year and working on different ways to explore and embrace your ‘word’.  This year I chose ZEN, a blissful sunshine afternoon would not go astray, but mostly for me it is about finding a place to be centred and balanced in between the situations we find ourselves in and where we might like to be, or making the best of it. Whatever else it will be an adventure.


joy said...

Thisis a breathtaking sunrise or sunset?

Merisi said...

It looks all so beautiful and innocent, hard to fathom that the weather was rather not kind this past week!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're safe.

Lovely shot.

Steffi said...

Very very beautiful photos,Mandy!I saw at T.V.about the the weather in Australia.I hope you are safe!
Have a nice weekend!

HansHB said...

Nice photo!
Happy SkyWatcFriday to you!

eileeninmd said...

I have seen the awful flooding on TV. I hope you were safe! Your photo is pretty, love the tree in the foreground and the pretty colors. Happy Skywatching!

Judy said...

Gorgeous!! I love the pine tree in the foreground!!!

Anonymous said...

you have the knack for finding the most serene shot.

Tara R. said...

A stunning capture, perfect timing on the sun.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Wow! You take the most beautiful pictures. There's magic in each of them.

SandyCarlson said...

That is a great view!

Lili said...

Thanks for visiting and leaving me your sweet comment on my blog. Hope you are staying safe on the weather front over there. Your capture is very beautiful and soothing, yet very dramatic too!

Parabolic Muse said...

These are beautiful pictures! And congrats on your class with Ali Edwards!

Rose Brier Studio said...

still looking for my word. your thoughts on centered and balanced have been percolating.