Sunday, October 21, 2007

Golden Moments

“Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.” from the film "Star Trek: Generation

That was an abnormal source for me but could not go past it today. Moments should be cherished as golden opportunities. Tomorrow is too often an option that not every gets a chance at.

For everyone who asks, how did you do that, I will start trying to explain the different parts that play a part of the pieces we post.

The photo is courtesy of Beachys Cape Cod as part of a challenge. This photo of young girls from the 30s got me to wondering what dreams did they have for the future? How much did a world war interrupt their plans and where did they finally end up?

Details : Back board is a recycled hard cover to a damaged book. Printed the picture on to a scrap of canvas that was already roughed up and the splattered paint only added to the vintage flavour. Music paper for the back ground linking the photo to the other features. A lace doily was used to frame a printed velum clock face and sticker clock face. Xyron ribbon to get it stick in place as we shaped it, love that xyron. Delish chipboard letters for the title sponge painted to give them a soft texture finish. Metal findings as the finishing touch to frame it all up.

“Every moment is a golden one for those who have the vision to recognize it as such.” Henry Miller.

A picture from the port city of Saint John N.B.

11 comments: said...

the clock faces look really cool with the old picture! I like what you did with the challenge. My sis and I are doing it too, and it is fun to see the wide variety of what comes from that one picture!

Jamie said...

Hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments. I'm totally going to enjoy exploring your neck of the woods and am so glad to have connected!

Heather said...

Beautiful work! I love all the details. Great quote.

Jennifer Davis said...

I love this so much and all that you shared about it, your thoughts and ponderings. Thank you!

Deb S. said...

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work with us! Also,just wanted you to know I will be posting the pumpkin squares recipe over on my blog in just a bit! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Love your use of lace, your photos, and your quotes as journaling. It struck me that if Virginia Wolfe were living now, she'd have been describing how it felt to receive comments on her blog. ;)

Ditto. ;) Thank you for leaving yours on mine!

Aimeslee xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for your lovely comments on my blog - I do so love your creative piece that you shared this time - the colours are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work, as always!

Anonymous said...

Love this piece. The colors are just what I am into right now, all muted and soft. Love the way you make things have such depth. Lovely layers. It's beautiful. Always love your quotes too.

Cape Cod Washashore said...

That's absolutely beautiful! I LOVE what you did with the photo! On November 1st I'm going to have a list of links to all those who have done this challenge -- it will be so much fun to see what everyone has done!

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

This is wonderful! xoxo Nita